Diana Mirza

Senior Project Leader

E-Mail: d.mirza@house-of-research.de
Tel: +49 30 700 103-17

Diana Mirza studied Communication in Social and Economic Contexts at the Berlin University of the Arts and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the Department of Communication and Media Research. In her work at the Laboratory for Reception Studies, she performed physiological measurements and analyses of facial expressions to investigate emotional processes during film reception. She has been involved in several extensive empirical studies and has offered lectures at the University of the Arts on methods and current topics of media usage research. At House of Research, she led several large empirical projects in the fields of health communication, organizational development and media education. Her focal points include communication, evaluation, and research methods.


Scharmanski S., & Mirza, D. (2024). Evaluation des Medienpakets „Dem Leben auf der Spur“. BZgA-Faktenblatt. Köln: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA).

Scharmanski, S., & Mirza, D. (2023). Sexualaufklärung in der Grundschule aus Sicht von Förderpädagoginnen und Förderpädagogen, FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung: Informationsdienst der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA), 2, 53–63.

Scharmanski, S., & Mirza, D. (2023). Sexualaufklärung in der Grundschule. Eine Lehrkräftebefragung im Mixed-Methods-Design, FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung: Informationsdienst der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA), 1, 97–99.

Mirza, D. & Martens, D. (2019). Studienbericht im Atlas zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in der Diakonie 2019 (S. 11–75). Berlin: Diakonie Deutschland.

Schütte, E. M., Mirza, D., & Suckfüll, M. (2013). Taking the body into account: Developing a coding system for body movement and posture during film reception. In A. Freitas-Magalhães (Ed.), Emotional expression: the brain and the face (Vol. 4) (pp. 83-122). Porto, Portugal: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

Oumard, M., Mirza, D., Kroy, J., & Chorianopoulos, K. (2008). A cultural probes study on video sharing and social communication on the internet. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts (DIMEA) in Athens, Greece, September 10-12, 2008, pp. 142-148.


Mirza, D. (2015). Social-cognitive aspects of film selection. 13th International Conference of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image in London, UK, June 17-20, 2015.

Schütte, E. M., Mirza, D., Suckfüll, M., & Bleuel, F. (2012). Taking the body into account: developing a coding system for body movement and posture during film reception. 14th Conference On Facial Expression, Almada, Portugal, 16-18 July, 2012.

Bleuel, F., & Mirza, D. (2011). Emotionen, Mimik und Gestik. Berlin: Landeskriminalamt (LKA 1).

Mirza, D. (2011). Recipient perspectives. A reception analysis of the scene “Ceasefire” from the film “Children of Men” (2006). 7th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association, Bremen, August 10-12, 2011.

Mirza, D., & Suckfüll, M. (2010). Moments of impact in films: a reception analysis of Children of Men. 8th International Conference of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image in Roanoke, VA, USA, June 2-6, 2010.

Mirza, D., & Scharkow, M. (2009). Through the eyes of the spectator: a content analysis of user-comments on the Internet Movie Database website. 7th International Conference of the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24-27, 2009.