media.barometer: a business climate index for the capital region

Since 2021, House of Research has been conducting the “medien.barometer” on behalf of the industry network media:net berlinbrandenburg. This annual survey analyses the development of sentiment in the ICT, media and creative industries in Berlin and Brandenburg.

In collaboration with the Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB), we calculate a business climate index for these sectors, which demonstrates the evolution of economic sentiment over time.

Furthermore, an issue of current relevance is subjected to detailed examination on an annual basis.

2023/24: “Sustainably into the future” [more]

2022/23: “Growth potential of the capital region for an attractive location for employees in the media, creative and digital industries of the future” [more]

2021/22 “Innovation potential of new business models due to the pandemic” [more]

The media.barometer represents a significant instrument for the provision of economic policy advice by media:net berlinbrandenburg.

The reports are available for download free of charge from the media:net website:

Publication 2023/24
Publication 2022/23
Publication 2021/22